Iron Maiden Rips Up The World 2005!!!

Begonnen von Peter Forsberg, 26. Mai 2005, 05:03:39

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ich habe sie beim WFF gesehen!!!

War echt geil


Ich seh sie wahrscheinlich beim Full Force. :headb: Wieviel hat die Karte gekostet?Die T-Mobile-Arena soll ja eine ziemliche Bruchbude sein.

Peter Forsberg

Am Samstag gehts nach Prag:

CZECH REPUBLIC - Prague, T Mobile Arena

Iron Maiden are onstage at 8:30pm

:up:  :headb:  :heart:  :headb:

ZitatMit im Gepäck haben Iron Maiden nicht nur ihr aktuelles Album „Dance of Death“ sondern auch über 40t an Equipment, welches in 8 Trucks transportiert wird. Die 60 Mann Crew reist in 3 Nightlinern von Konzert zu Konzert und wird vor Ort mit 40 lokalen Helfern verstärkt. Über 25t an Ton und Licht Equipment werden unter die Hallendecke geflogen

" I want you to sing it, sing it, sing it, sing it along"
" I want you to sing it, sing it, sing it, sing it along"

ZitatThis tour round Europe will be the biggest we have ever done in terms of the number of fans we will play to so we want to make it very special. We are taking these first four albums and tours as the theme for the Production of the show and will be featuring some of the ideas incorporated in the early days of the band, particularly on The Beast on the Road Tour and the World Piece Tour. However everything will be state of the art on the technical side of screens, lights and PA. This is going to be huge and a unique treat for our fans….and anyone else!!!”

Says Bruce Dickinson, ”The Dance of Death Tour' was a very theatrical stage set and performance but this will be back to a full on Metal spectacular. We've always put everything, physically and mentally, into our stage shows and this will be no exception. People are back into REAL live music now and we want to make sure that the Maiden shows are never surpassed and an incredible experience for everyone there! It's going to be a lot fun.'

Up The Irons!!!