Asian Hockey League

Begonnen von blueliner, 02. Dezember 2004, 03:00:05

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ZitatPodein, an American who is currently playing hockey in Sweden, has entered into negotiations with representatives of the team and had contact as recently as one week ago, team spokesman Kazuyasu Sato said. "We have had numerous discussions with him and hope he is genuinely interested in our team," said Sato.

Ich denke, dass da ne Menge Kohle zu verdienen ist ...... wenn der Lockout noch länger dauert,
2-3 NHL-Stars verpflichten und schon rollt der Rubel ..... die Asiaten sind da ja sehr begeisterungsfähig!  :D:

Was meint Ihr? Kann das rendieren?  :pillepalle:


Autsch! Waren die 8 Jahre Englisch in der Schule doch umsonst! Oder liegts an meiner Brille! :D:

Habs überlesen, sorry!
Auf meinem Sterbebett werde ich dann Avs-Fan, dann stirbt wenigstens einer von denen...


Podein möchte dieses Team aber kaufen "buying", nicht dort spielen!

Lucky Luke :gruebel:


Helft mir bitte mal auf die Sprünge: Wegen des hohen Niveaus wechselt doch bestimmt keiner nach Japan, oder?!
Auf meinem Sterbebett werde ich dann Avs-Fan, dann stirbt wenigstens einer von denen...


Nach Es Tikkanen hat nun ein weitere ex NHL Spieler interesse daran in der ASian Hockey League zu spielen.

Former NHL player Podein shows interest in buying Japanese team

TOKYO (AP) - Former NHL player Shjon Podein has expressed an interest in purchasing the Nikko Ice Bucks, team officials said Wednesday.

Podein, an American who is currently playing hockey in Sweden, has entered into negotiations with representatives of the team and had contact as recently as one week ago, team spokesman Kazuyasu Sato said. "We have had numerous discussions with him and hope he is genuinely interested in our team," said Sato.

The Nikko Ice Bucks currently play in the eight-team Asia League and are in sixth place with 14 points after 20 games.

The 36-year-old forward spent 13 seasons in the NHL with the Edmonton Oilers, Philadelphia Flyers, Colorado Avalanche and St. Louis Blues.

Podein, a native of Rochester, Minn., played 68 games for the Blues last season, scoring four goals with six assists.

Mein kommentar wird genau der selbe sein wie bei Tikkanen. ;D
Tiocfaidh ar la!

*29.10.1985  +28.10.2007 Ruhe in Frieden mein Freund!