
The TSN Solution

Begonnen von Gast, 05. Oktober 2004, 08:09:13

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So, ihr Vorschlag ist veröffentlicht.

Hier die wichtigsten punkte:

(1) A hard cap of $6 million on individual player salaries with no cap on how much teams may spend on total payrolls

(2) A dollar for dollar, or 100 per cent, luxury tax on all team payrolls in excess of $40 million with the tax monies to be redistributed to those teams with payrolls of less than $40 million but more than $30 million.

(3) A revamped salary arbitration system that allows the teams, as well as the players, to file for arbitration and baseball style "final-offer" arbitration

(4) Liberalized free agency with the age for unrestricted status moving to age 30 or after 10 years service in the NHL, whichever comes first.

(5) Qualifying offers to be 75 per cent of the player's most recent salary level

(6) An entry-level salary and signing bonus cap of $850,000 per year, with no more than 25 per cent of that amount in signing bonus, plus allowable performance bonuses to another $850,000, effectively capping entry-level salaries at no more than $1.7 million a year.

ganz nachzulesen auf: http://www.tsn.ca/nhl/news_story.asp?ID=100897&hubName=nhl

was meint ihr?