help needed part II

Begonnen von Gast, 23. Juli 2004, 21:02:11

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@blueliner: wenn jemand einen Thread hier öffnet, dann wird er ja sicher wieder mal vorbei kommen...

.... wenn er nur wissen wollte, ob Offense oder Defense, dann weiss er nun viel zu viel!


Zitatkann mich da auch irren aber hat der nicht darum gebeten das man iihm per email antwortet  :confused:

hast du meinen E-Mail ausgang ausspioniert?

naja aber sah in letzter Zeit also schlimmere Treads.  :D:


I checked those links and got lists which shows if a player is defensive or offensive
Thanks to those who helped me


kann mich da auch irren aber hat der nicht darum gebeten das man iihm per email antwortet  :confused:
Tiocfaidh ar la!

*29.10.1985  +28.10.2007 Ruhe in Frieden mein Freund!


well i think also can help you.

The stats of all players of the Swiss League NLA / NLB.


click here:

follow: >>"Programm Nationalmannschaften" >>> "Spieler Statistiken"


Sorry to write this in english but it has been so many years when i studied german at school that i bearly understood that this those who haven't registered can write to this part of the forum.
i play in an on-line EHM league where we have a super-cup, me managing switzerland.
We can add real players to the players.ehm file but i just don't know swiss players well enough to tell that guy who adds them what kind of players those to be added players are so that he could get their attrs right.
Could somebody tell me where i could find help or who could help me ?
I would appreciate all help i can get
my e-mail is