
Off-Season 2013

Begonnen von Saubermann, 09. Juni 2013, 15:36:40

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Sodele mal ein kurzes Fazit was sich bei den Avs bisher getan hat

David Jones (Calgary Flames)
Shane O'Brien (Calgary Flames)
Greg Zanon (Buyout?)
Aaron Palushaj (Carolina Hurricanes)
Tomas Vincour (AK Bars Kazan/KHL)

Tun einem die Abgänge weh? Ich glaube kaum. Bei Jones sind alle froh, dass man den Cap-Hit von 4 Mio los ist, für SOB war eh kaum noch Platz im Roster und Zanon...nun ja, Zanon halt. Viel Bart, aber nix dahinter.
Vincours Abgang in die KHL ist ärgerlich, weil man dafür Gaunce abgegeben hat, aber das war es auch. Nen Verlust für die Monsters, mehr aber auch nicht.
Dem Einzigen, dem ich etwas hinterher weine, ist Palushaj. Ich war am ANfang überhaupt nicht überzeugt von dem, aber ich finde er hat als Depth Spieler einen richtig guten Job gemacht. Und da der Flügel ja eh nicht so stark besetzt ist, hätte ich ihn gerne ein weiteres Jahr in Denver gesehen, dann hätte man weiter sehen können.

Andre Benoit (Montreal Canadiens)
Cory Sarich (Calgary Flames)
Alex Tanguay (Calgary Flames)
Nathan MacKinnon (Halifax Mooseheads)

MacKinnons Signing war ja erwartet worden, bin gespannt wie er sich so entwickelt und ob er gleich zu Beginn schon eine gute Rolle spielen kann. Zur Not gibts ja noch den Slider :D
Sarich und Tanguay bringen vor allem Erfahrung, die die Avs aber auch -wie ich finde- bitter nötig haben. Dass vor allem Sarich der Verteidigung mehr Stabilität verleihen soll, ist wenig verwunderlich. Der Cap-Hit ist okay und wenn es schief geht mit ihm ist er halt nach einer Saison weg. Tanguay für den Flügel ist top wie ich finde - zwar sind seine Zahlen schlechter als noch vor sechs oder sieben Jahren, aber wenn er seine Zahlen aus CGY hält, dann wäre er auf Anhieb drittbester Scorer bei den Avs.
Über Benoit weiß ich gar nix, aber angesichts des niedrigen Cap-Hits und der Tatsache, dass so Blinsen wie Hejda immer noch im Kader rumrennen, kann man da wohl nicht viel falsch machen.

Noch ohne Vertrag;
Milan Hejduk (UFA)
Chuck Kobasew (UFA)
Brad Malone (RFA)

DIe drei sind noch ohne Vertrag und auch wenn es vielleicht Gottes Lästerei ist, aber Hejduk kann man gerne gehen lassen. Er hat große Verdienste für die Franchise gehabt, es ist ihm hoch anzurechnen, dass er freiwillig auf das C verzichtet hat, aber ich denke seine Zeit ist vorbei und er sollte seine Karriere entweder ganz beenden oder in Tschechien gemütlich ausklingen lassen.
Kobasew bin ich unentschlossen. Einerseits ist genug Capspace da und es fehlt Tiefe auf dem Flügel, andererseits hat er mich jetzt nicht vom Hocker gehauen. Keine AHnung, wenn er günstig wieder gesigned werden kann gern, ansonsten kann ich auch gut ohne ihn.
Das dachte ich von Malone auch lange, aber der Junge hat mich echt überrascht. Wäre spannend, ob man da eine Entwicklung sieht, die zu mehr führt. Denke mit nem guten 2way Contract ließe sich viel machen.

To do List:
Schwierig zu sagen was gemacht werden muss. Definitiv muss man gucken ob man zu einem guten Preis einen sehr guten Defender irgendwo loseisen kann. Allerdings hab ich da die Hoffnung aufgegeben, sofern sie überhaupt da war. Weiterhin wäre etwas Tiefe auf dem Flügel ganz gut, vielleicht sogar ein stärkerer Spieler der für minimum 50 Punkte gut ist. Wer weiß....

Aber ist wohl alles Träumerei.

Wenn ich mir aktuell Lines bauen müsste, würden die wie folgt aussehen.

McLeod - Duchene - Parenteau
Landeskog - O'Reilly - Downie
McGinn - MacKinnon - Tanguay
Bordeleau - Stastny - Mitchell

Johnson - Wilson
Barrie - Elliott
Sarich - Hunwick

Ach ja, das Überangebot an Centern könnte man auch noc verkleinern. Neben den fünf die auf dem Eis stehen hat man noch Olver sowie die jungen Sgarbossa, Smith und Hishon im Angebot.
www.hlsports.de - Sports-Website für Lübeck und Umgebung

"Seinen Verein kann man sich nicht aussuchen, der Verein sucht dich aus" (Nick Hornby)


Was ich mich nur Frage: warum war Palushaj eigentlich UFA? :gruebel:
www.hlsports.de - Sports-Website für Lübeck und Umgebung

"Seinen Verein kann man sich nicht aussuchen, der Verein sucht dich aus" (Nick Hornby)


Jepp, zumal man auf dem RW ziemlich dünn besetzt ist, hätte man ihn als 4th-Liner ruhig behalten können. Mit Hejduk und Kobasew sind ja noch zwei weitere RWs auf den freien Markt entschwunden und Jones wurde getraded.
Moe Szyslak: "Eiskunstläufer drehen ihre Pirouetten gerne am anderen Ufer."
Eiskunstläufer: "Ich bin nicht schwul, sondern habe eine Freundin in Vancouver."
Moe Szyslak: "Ausgedachte Freundin, ausgedachte Stadt."


Aaron Palushaj ist auch wieder weg - geht nach Carolina. Schade, hat mir eigentlich ganz gut gefallen.
www.hlsports.de - Sports-Website für Lübeck und Umgebung

"Seinen Verein kann man sich nicht aussuchen, der Verein sucht dich aus" (Nick Hornby)


ist ja an sich keine schlechte Sache,wenn man bedenkt was so an Preisen gezahlt wurde,sei es in neuen Verträgen oder in Trades,siehe Ryan und Clarkson :pillepalle:


Nach den letzten Äußerungen von Roy und Sakic war es ja schon fast zu erwarten, dass da nicht viel passieren wird in Denver. Man scheint mit dem vorhandenen Kader zufrieden zu sein und will sich wohl Luft im Cap offen lassen, da immerhin 15 Verträge nach der Saison auslaufen.
Moe Szyslak: "Eiskunstläufer drehen ihre Pirouetten gerne am anderen Ufer."
Eiskunstläufer: "Ich bin nicht schwul, sondern habe eine Freundin in Vancouver."
Moe Szyslak: "Ausgedachte Freundin, ausgedachte Stadt."


Was J.T.Wyman hat wirklich ein Team gefunden  :ee: Naja in dem Farmteam spielt er vielleicht noch eine Rolle. Wünsche ihm dennoch viel Erfolg, da er sich wenigstens reingehängt hat.
Was der Zitronenfalter tut nicht die Zitrone falten? Und der Käsebohrer hat nicht den Bohrer für die Löcher im Käse dabei? Also das hätte ich wirklich nicht gedacht.............Wenn Probleme dann sage dir einfach 555 auf Thailändisch


Die Avs haben Nick Holden, Nate Guenin, J.T. Wyman und Guillaume Desbiens fürs Farmteam gesigned. Was wir mit den "alten" Leuten wollen ist mir nen Rätsel. Dazu wurde van der Guliks Verlängerung bestätigt und Colin Smith erhält einen ELC
www.hlsports.de - Sports-Website für Lübeck und Umgebung

"Seinen Verein kann man sich nicht aussuchen, der Verein sucht dich aus" (Nick Hornby)


Bitte wer? :lol: Musste erstmal gucken...joah für 0,9 kann man nicht viel verkehrt machen
www.hlsports.de - Sports-Website für Lübeck und Umgebung

"Seinen Verein kann man sich nicht aussuchen, der Verein sucht dich aus" (Nick Hornby)


Andre Benoit ist ein Av..........nuja für 900k ist das ok


www.hlsports.de - Sports-Website für Lübeck und Umgebung

"Seinen Verein kann man sich nicht aussuchen, der Verein sucht dich aus" (Nick Hornby)

Peter Forsberg

Avalanche buys out Greg Zanon's contract, puts him on waivers


ZitatZanon's tenure will be remembered for that beard, falling down a lot on the ice, blocking a fair number of shots and being on the ice for an awful lot of goals against.


Bei Hunwick könnte ich mir schon vorstellen, dass er bei einem anderen Team im dritten Verteidigerpaar weiterhelfen kann. Er hatte einfach einen ziemlich schlechten Start in Denver und wird/wurde von vielen imho daher zu kritisch gesehen. Diese Saison hatte er über 20 Minuten Eiszeit im Schnitt. Da gibt/gab es imho größere Problemfälle in der Abwehr. Bei Zanon glaube ich aber auch, dass den niemand picken wird.

Laut Avs-Forum gab es gestern eine Telefonkonferenz oder irgendwie sowas, wo Dauerkarteninhaber Fragen an Sakic und Roy stellen konnten. Ich übernehm es einfach mal:

"- They talked about Tanguay a bit. They said Alex has more hockey left, they get along real well, and know he'll perform well. He won't carry a line, but he'll make the line better. They're excited about their 4 lines, they're happy with everything.

- They got asked about the defense, if it will be addressed through free agency, coaching, etc. Roy said Foote will work with the defense, they haven't made many changes on defense, but they said they need to remain patient. They don't mind the guys, but Wilson missed the entire year and that was a big loss for them. They expect him to help the defense tremendously. Roy talked about Barrie as well, he says he knows he will start the year in CO and the second year will make him better. He says Sarich will come in and his experience will make entire squad better. He says obviously, system wise, changes will help too.

- Got asked about the divisions. They said travel will be better, games will be on earlier, they said travel will help them a lot because they'll be gaining time on road trips back. Roy thinks there will be a rivalry that will be built, he doesn't know who, but he expects it.

- They got asked about the Avs goalies. Roy said Varly is the #1, he said two years ago, he played great, last year it wasn't as good, but he's confident that in an 82 game schedule he will be better. He mentioned Francois Allaire will help him a lot, they're planning to meet in Switzerland this month together and planning again to meet in the end of August/September in Montreal with Giggy. They like him, but he's an RFA at the end of the year and he needs a big year. They like the goalies in the minors, they just drafted one and they think the future is bright in net. He said he couldn't pronounce Aitto's name. He said Allaire will work 12 days a month with the goalies, but if he's not there, Roy will try to help a bit. On the ice, it's Allaire's job.

- Got asked about MacKinnon and his role next year. Sakic said he's pretty sure he'll be on the team, but will leave lineup decisions up to Roy. Said he's the most explosive player to come out in a long time. Roy re-iterated to start him with McGinn and Downie, said it's a perfect situation. Won't put too much pressure on him, he'll be able to help the team be better, and as far as special teams, they'll see how he fits in, but if he's adapting real well, he'll get time there too. Roy said he'll be on roster opening night.

- Got asked about Olympics, Roy said they're all in on it and behind it if they go to Olympics. Sakic said for a player it's the greatest experience you can have.

- Roy said no moves expected as far as the centers. He said he plans to talk to ROR about moving to wing, he reminds him of Forsberg moving to the wing. He doesn't expect it to be a problem. If they have injuries, it puts them in a good situation. Then Roy said the defense will be taking care of itself. He said the rest of the group in Boston is not superstars, just a good group that plays physical and capable of holding their ground, and he wants that here.

- Asked about free agency. Sakic said right now they have 23 guys signed, and that's what you need, one of the few teams that has that, and in the next few days they'll see what they can improve. He wants to be careful not to overpay, they have a plan to take care of their own guys, and want to keep flexibility. They think they have a stronger team already this year than last year, but if there's something they can do, they want to make that happen, but if not, they're happy. Roy then said the economics is different now than when he was playing, and you have to keep that in mind, with trades and free agency. He said little moves can be made, but overall, adding Barrie and with Elliott coming, and they drafted at 32, they drafted a Chris Bigras, and they can't wait to see him at training camp and Roy thinks he might surprise and make the team.

- They got asked about Cody McLeod, Roy says he already talked on the phone with him, he's a great leader, great guy. The 4th line is set, with Mitchell and Bordeleau. Sakic says he's a great guy in the locker room, and a true professional because he played with him.

- They got asked about Lake Erie, Sgarbossa, Elliott, Hishon, and Malone, and the impact some of the guys can have down there. Roy himself mentioned Carey, Heard, Muers, and they've been looking at the team, and he hasn't seen them play, but he's curious about them at training camp. Today, they were working on making the teams for training camp and looking at the young roster, and Sakic mentioned Siemens to him. They think they have great young talent and can't wait to see them.

- They got asked about the PP, and how it can improve, and Siemens. Roy said he'd be surprised to see Siemens in the NHL, maybe as a callup, but they'll see in training camp. Lots of ideas on the PP, he said they have breakout patterns, zone entires, puck retrieving, pattern for place where they'd like to get the shot at, and they're going to try a lot of things. Tourigny and Roy were both 25-30% PP in juniors, and want to bring a bit to CO. PP is important, can win you games on the road, and can help on home, and it's difficult for him to explain the pattern, but you'll see a big change.

- Sakic said Chicago was great at being patient, they had high picks, and once they had drafted Toews and Kane, it helped them start the process. Sakic said he hopes it's the same thing here. Sakic said the lockout in 05 hurt the Avs, and they're in a position to build from within now. Roy said he remembers how empty Chicago's arena was at the end of his career, and says the young guys build it back up. He says the young guys here will bring fans excitement. Roy also mentioned Saad and Shaw, and said the draft after the first round pick is huge and helps with needs and how those guys replaced some of the key guys they lost after the first cup.

- They got asked about Hejduk. Sakic said he talked to Milan at the end of the year, and he's still deciding, and hasn't spoken to him since then. He's deciding if he wants to continue playing.

- Roy said nothing will change about PAP. Roy said he doesn't like dump and chase, but he likes creativity and wants forwards to use their skills. He said they want PAP to be better in the defensive zone, but they want nothing else to change.

- Sakic said Tanguay led the league in shootout goals, should help there. Sakic said you don't go into free agency looking for shootout players. Roy brought up how good they were in shootouts two years back. Roy said Russian goalies are used to shootouts.

- They got thanked for transparency. They got asked what will happen when the two disagree. Roy said clearly that Joe has final say, and if he says "no", Roy might get a pair of gloves, but Joe has final say. Sakic said fans are a big part of the organization, and that's why they came out before the draft and told everyone about MacKinnon. They want to be honest.

- They got asked about the first pick and Kroenke. Sakic said Kroenke has been incredible and the commitment is there. He was at the draft, BOG meetings. He's all-in. Roy said they're at 57M, and they're 29th in the NHL, and not many owners would accept this commitment. Sakic said they didn't want to be that honest about the first pick, because they want to respect the process, and it's not fair to the other teams.

- Got asked about team chemistry building, they like the chemistry they have, it's a close group. Roy says he's been making calls to the guy and they're very excited. He said if he has to be a leader, he'll do it. One of the reasons they brought in the veterans, is because they think they can help in the room with the young guys.

- Roy said they're planing Wilson with Johnson, Hejda-Barrie, and probably Hunwick with Sarich. They want to see how Elliott responds in training camp.

- They got asked why they didn't take Fucale, and they said they looked at needs, and when they saw Bigras on the board, they were happy, and Chris Pronger after the draft told the Avs Bigras will be great, and they felt they got a first rounder defenseman. Roy said Fucale is a good goalie, but in 1984 the #1 ranking was Billington, and then Roy went in the 3rd round, and he said he wishes they have a crystal ball, but you never know. They felt Bigras is the guy, and they think he has a shot on the team again.

- Got asked about the new coaches. Tourigny is ready to take the next step up, he's very organized, he's got great views on systems, and knows the game very well. Tim Army, they wanted to keep someone in just to keep them with more input on how it went last year, and Mario Duhamel, he'll be video coach, and he said the group is passionate and that they're put in the work.

- They got asked about Hunwick and Zanon on waivers. They wanted to place them there to see if there's interest, and they have 23 guys, and if they get picked up, it allows flexibility. Roy said when you finish 29th, you want changes on defense. They want to see what they can do on defense, and they've been talking about the defense. Zanon and Hunwick, they wanted to see what the interest was from other teams.

- They got asked about Siemens again. Sakic said it's tough for defensemen to step in right away. As of right now, they anticipate Siemens in Lake Erie.

- They got asked about marketing. Sakic said wins will bring people in. They're excited about this group of players. Roy said he wants to be an offensive team.
Moe Szyslak: "Eiskunstläufer drehen ihre Pirouetten gerne am anderen Ufer."
Eiskunstläufer: "Ich bin nicht schwul, sondern habe eine Freundin in Vancouver."
Moe Szyslak: "Ausgedachte Freundin, ausgedachte Stadt."


jap Bob hats vom Dach gezwitschert,aber mal ehrlich,wer picked die beiden von den Waivers.................. :pillepalle:


Zitat von: parise am 02. Juli 2013, 20:11:58
hat das nicht bobmckenzie getweetet?
Hab das von facebook, von daher ;)
www.hlsports.de - Sports-Website für Lübeck und Umgebung

"Seinen Verein kann man sich nicht aussuchen, der Verein sucht dich aus" (Nick Hornby)